girlfriend of steel

7:11 p.m. x 2005-01-30

new asuka layout, a la "evangelion", because while i've been working on grad project denouement, i've been watching "death & rebirth". what else sets a better background to this than the end of the world (with anime eyes)? my grad project is pretty cool, though...i don't know whether or not i've mentioned it's a website?

i have a new true romance, and that is with devil music. devil music, the snow, welsh's sparkling white grape juice and the a*someness of the kids that i know. one of them thinks that everybody hates each other right now, but i'm pretty happy to say that i don't feel it. i've never felt closer to most of the people i know.

most of them. i think i could feel closer to devil music...

if anybody should ask i'm going to a seminar
pieces of the moon
sensitive heart, you're doomed from the start
(& etc)

anybody can be just like me, obviously.
not too many can be like you, fortunately.
� KL 02-11