place your trust in us completely

9:50 p.m. x 2005-04-05

yesterday, i tried out for the improv slash student play, even though i know i'm not an improv-ish person, it was fun like i knew it was going to be to try. and i really loved the play. i don't care whether or not i get a part, though, because if i don't i can do publicity. and i think that that would be fine.

centeredness and the kind of droning rhythmic sounds adored by myself and the autistic have helped me find what i needed to find (and katie jane garside has helped me, too, and i mean that in a genuine and deep way that after reading some of her interviews, i was very propelled). i hope i can hang onto it and bring it to college.

(speaking of which, i had a horrible dream. i happened to be in college in the dream, but it had nothing to do with that. according to dream dictionary, it had to do with this:

...a level of support your may be receiving. it indicates that you are feeling very emotional. feelings of inadequacy and issues of power/control also come into play. you may have more than you can handle.

and are suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling emotionally drained. it may denote bitter confrontations between you and your friends. your past actions has come back to haunt you.

and that's so entirely, utterly right, too.)

there are other things as well that i could benefit from taking with me to college. amongst them are a nice attractive set of encyclopedias and an inexhaustable dictionary, queen adreena's upcoming album and a video camera.

i have an awesome playlist! it has bjork, climax golden twins, courtney love, daisy chainsaw, deadboy & the elephantmen, devil music, jocelyn pook, mario lanza, mirah, pagan babies, philip glass, queen adreena, sigur r�s, tattle tale, and SATURDAY MORNING CARTOONS' GREATEST HITS! all of which, the whole more or less all from the internet. 240 tracks as of this minute, as well as the FM DOLL video that i've been trying to acquire since last year.

and may i say...i'm pleased. it's one of the much much better performance videos i've ever seen. the stop motion is a perfect touch, and i really love katie jane and crispin grey wrestling and still performing.

tomorrow i'm to make a cubist cake avec kenzie, mon calmar favorite. in searching "cubism" on google, i came upon this series of digital art that blends celebrities' faces into classic paintings. one is "sponecasso cubepants". other than that they're ALL SEAN CONNERY?!

if anybody should ask i'm going to a seminar
pieces of the moon
sensitive heart, you're doomed from the start
(& etc)

anybody can be just like me, obviously.
not too many can be like you, fortunately.
� KL 02-11