you should've seen that girl go shakey at the knees

10:20 p.m. x 2010-12-21

currently listening to: "furr" by blitzen trapper

XMAS SHOPPING PRETTY MUCH DONE. i have three gift cards to buy. that's it, i think. to the midtown scholar, neato burrito and mt fuji. i am still working on the drawing i'm making for seth. i need urgently to complete that. i may be doing two overnights at work this week. i am perpetually exhausted. all i want is to be in seth's arms. he and i were talking last night and we discovered together that "BLACK SWAN" is starting in local theatres tomorrow and he goes "I'M GOING TO PICK YOU UP AND TAKE YOU OUT TO DINNER THURSDAY AND WE'RE GOING TO SEE IT!" - he is utterly astoundingly fucking perfect and i love how we love to do the same things and experience things so mutually! i had to order an element of his present online and amazon promises it'll arrive tomorrow i really hope it does!!! AH!

if anybody should ask i'm going to a seminar
pieces of the moon
sensitive heart, you're doomed from the start
(& etc)

anybody can be just like me, obviously.
not too many can be like you, fortunately.
� KL 02-11